In the book of Genesis, God created the world and then rested on Day 7. He did not rest because He was tired. He rested to model the rhythm of the universe: 6+1. We are called to rest one day a week to cease from work, worship God and celebrate His goodness.

Holy Faith Fellowship lives out the Sabbath teaching because it is not only true, but great for us. The Lord is our manufacturer and he has designed us to set apart one day for Him (and us).

As we live out the command to keep Sabbath (Command 4) we testify that we know who truly runs the world. And we prepare ourselves for the eternal Day 7 that has no end!


Holy Faith Fellowship believes Sunday worship is a great gift from God. The author of Hebrews understood the communal worship service as an anchor for our souls. This is why she urged the first Christians to continue meeting together (Hebrews 10:25), even under the great cost of persecution and personal loss. Today, we believe that children, youth and young adults need the spiritual rhythm of weekly church. And the little ones need to see the flesh and blood model of Mom and Dad singing, crying out to God, and actively embracing God’s Word every Sunday.

As Holy Faith Fellowship meets together, we are encouraged in our faith, strengthened in our fellowship and fed through the Word. It is a mysterious reality that God simultaneously speaks powerfully to an entire congregation (public) and to each of us and our individual circumstances (personal). Sunday worship is where we thank God for keeping us during the past week, and where God uniquely pours faith into our heat and mind for the week ahead. Come and visit our Sunday worship and we hope it will become the spiritual anchor of your week!